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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Need a laugh?

My husband stumbled across this product on Amazon when he was looking for a gas can (this was a few months ago, but I had totally forgotten). Read the reviews (just scroll down and make sure you click through the pages to read them all). Super funny shit! Gotta love Amazon reviews.
PS, he didn't buy this gas can.

For those of you that don't want to click, I'll give a sampling:

what the...........!!!!!!!, May 8, 2007
Greg W. Rennirt - See all my reviews I have to admit...I am often critical of reviewers thinking that they are obviously doing something wrong. Not in this case. The above reviews are right on. This is the only gas can available at my local hardware store so I invested in 7 of them (yes I need that much gas) I cannot explain how bad a design this is. 12 hours after filling all cans, I noticed a 12 inch puddle of gas around each can where gas was percolating from the top. I reacted by immediately carrying the gas can out of the garage and was absolutely covered in gas spilling from the top all over my pants. I then decided that it was the fill tube under the surface of the gas that was allowing the gas to spill so I removed each. I then carried them back into the garage and they spilled again from the gas moving inside the cans. I cant imagine a design that would allow more gas to escape. All in all I would guess that more than half a gallon of gas was spilled. If you like being covered in gas or just want to meet your local Haz-Mat team, buy these cans.

Zero stars if possible., June 10, 2007
J. Daily (Fort Worth, Tx United States) - See all my reviews I have never spilled as much gas as I have with this supposed "spill proof" can. What a major crock. That anyone thinks these cans were even necessary(probably some California moron) is proof of how stupid the u.s. has become. Even when I have spilled gas with the good old fashioned kind of can, it was nothing like what gushed out of this "spill proof" can. These should be yanked from the market asap.
Worst design ever, May 2, 2007
N. Johnson (Millersville PA USA) - See all my reviews I'm over 60 and have been using plastic gas cans for years, and when I went to buy a replacement, this was the only one available at my local hardware store, and I bought it without realizing how different it is. I ended up with more gas on the ground and all over the mower than IN the mower. Now I'm trying to find the 'old' style, and I can't find any like that in local stores. Is this going to be the only design available?? Compounding the problem is the arthritis in my hands, which makes this even more difficult to use. If the cap isn't screwed down tight enough, gas leaks all over. I never had that problem with the old style. I'll make do with my old one until I can find a suitable replacement.
A Class Action Suit Waiting to Happen, November 9, 2006
S. Sullivan - See all my reviews This can is something you should never buy. I'm attempting to get a refund from the company. I have been pouring gas for 35 years. I have never spilled any before. Compounding ths problem is that when the gas spills out of this, it spills onto my hands AND into water, which is a discrace. I feel like Satan himself when I use this can, spilling fuel all over the water and Earth. Gasoline is a carcinogen. This can ensures you get it all over your hands when you use it. I can't believe the lawyers at this company have allowed them to put such a dangerous product out to market. They have left themselves open to class action suits from environmentalists, people getting skin cancer, and the average user who is doused in gasoline and ends up next to an ignition source, killing him or her. I'm baffled as to how they could possibly be allowed to sell such a dangerous product.
Horrible product! , June 11, 2006
M. Gerenser "Creative Director" (Webster, NY USA) - See all my reviews This is the worst gas can I've ever used. Imagine my horrific surprise when I first used it to try and fill up the tank on new lawn mower. I dumped more gas on my shoes than in the mower's tank. How hard can it be to use a gas can!?!? Well, apparently I'm not the only one having trouble with this thing. This product stinks. I'm returning it, and I'm going to find a traditional gas can that just works.
Waste of time money & gas, November 12, 2008
Kris C. Wilfong "wilfongk" (ozark mountains) - See all my reviews Self-venting my a**, they are non-venting. This means that they empty incredibly slowly. You end up holding about forty pounds up in the air for what seems to be an eternity, wondering what idiot designed it. I always keep the spout up on mine, not exactly safe for transport; but at least it doesn't leak gas all over the place. I would surely not want to carry this company's liability coverage.
Only good for self-immolation, March 16, 2006
Gnome DePlume (Pittsburgh, PA) - See all my reviewsI have never seen a product as poorly designed. You spill gas all over the car and yourself. Somebody is going to get killed using this. Hey Government Regulators... what are you waiting for?

1 comment:

nancy said...

lol. I just went over and read them all. Hilarious.