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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dropped Andrew off this morning...

I decided to take Andrew to daycare 2-3 days a month just so he can be around other kids. I mentioned this before, but a girl at my work (she's a CNA) runs a part-time as needed daycare out of her home. It is only 10 blocks from my work! :) Oh, and she only charges $25.00 a day. That's a pretty good deal.

He did a lot better than I thought he would! They have a couple of dogs, so the first thing he did when we got there was go chase after them. He was exploring the premises, as I knew he would. There are a ton of toys for him to play with! This co-worker of mine has 3 kids--the oldest, a girl, is 7 ? I think, and she goes to school (which is literally across the road), and she also has a 3-year old boy and a 16-month old girl. Today there was another co-worker's 15-month old girl there too. She watches her whenever her mom works.

So, anyway I got there 1/2 hour early today so he could get acquainted, but he totally felt comfortable so that's awesome! I hope he goes down okay for a nap. DH normally puts him down in his crib, turns on his Baby Einstein aquarium, and he goes to sleep no problem. I have no idea how he'll do in a different crib with possibly a different crib toy. Yesterday, he fell asleep on the living room floor (he has never done that before), so I guess anything is possible.


Catie said...

That's great Sarah! I hope he enjoys it there. $25 is a super good price. We pay $33 a day for Lex's daycare but that covers diapers and wipes and the curriculum they do there. Hopefully he has no problems napping. At Lex's old daycare he was in a pack n play but at his new one he's in a sleeping bag on the floor so now my boy will fall asleep anywhere easily.

Rachel said...

How fun! I hope he does well for his nap. Maybe he'll get so worn out that he'll just crash.

Man, that is an excellent price. I have been thinking of looking into putting my kids into daycare a couple days a week. Hailey needs the social time so she'll stop talking my ear off, and Keegan needs to learn to stop being so mama-dependant (as I type this, he's head-butting the computer b/c he's mad that I am not holding him. Grr!)

Anonymous said...

Hope he enjoyed his day at daycare! $25 a day for an as-needed-basis is awesome! I know a lot of my friends would KILL for their daycare to do that!!

Morgan Owens said...

Aww I'm glad he didn't feel uncomfortable or anything, that's good!

Mason has just about started sleeping through the night, it's wonderful!!

Sarah said...

Cate, the $25 includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, diapers, and wipes (although I sent those in the diaper bag just in case they want to use those ones). Oh, and she has a fenced-in yard for the kids to play in, plus they do fun activities (like putting down a mat and playing in an indoor sandbox!!). I am so excited to find out how it went.