Andrew started feeling better on Friday night. He gradually started eating more and on Saturday, I could tell he was back to his old self. Whew! That was a relief to be done with that shit (literally). Now he is immune to Rotavirus (although they didn't diagnose him with that, I did, after reading about all the symptoms--seriously, diarrhea and vomiting don't usually hang around that long with a regular stomach bug; also the diarrhea was incredibly clear-the-room-foul-smelling, which I did read online as being characteristic of Rotavirus). It was great to see Andrew downing his favorite meal: noodles in tomato juice. He ate SO much, I was worried he'd get sick again, but luckily it stayed down.
We even went out for ice cream yesterday at DQ! :) We shared a Blizzard and it was quite delicious.
Poor Guy! I was just catching up on his sickness and I felt so bad for the little guy that I am happy to hear he is feeling better! That Rotovirus is sooooo bad. A good friend of mine has a little girl a day older than my boy and she has had it twice. Both times after she gave her tap water so she isn't doing that anymore!
He's adorable! I'm glad he is feeling better, I've been thinking about him!
Oh that is such good news that he is feeling better!!!
YAY!!! I'm so so so glad he's feeling better Sarah!
For me, Brady and I are great buds until he starts dipping in my ice cream! No way, go see daddy!
Did he have a haircut???
I am glad he is feeling better. He's such a cute little man!
Thank you for all the well wishes!
Yes, Rachel, he did have a haircut! I forgot to blog about it because he had it done last Saturday, the day he started getting sick. My mom did it. I thought I was going to cry, but I think it turned out cute, and I'm getting lots of compliments on it. The cut was prompted by DH's comment that Andrew looks homeless.
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