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Monday, June 14, 2010

A question for the readers . . .

Who are you and what do you like about my blog?
Are you a lurker?
How often do you stop by?
What types of posts are your favorite?
Is there anything you'd like to see in the future?

I'm just trying to get some ideas. I hope my blog isn't boring, but the only way to know is to get feedback. :)



Anonymous said...

I'm a lurker! I like your blog because your kids are super cute and you seem like a really great mom. I like seeing that when you see so many mothers in the news who are neglecting and/or hurting their children everyday. It's refreshing. Keep up the good work! Your children are beautiful and I'm sure will turn out to be amazing adults!

Catie said...

I'm Cate and I'm addicted to the pictures of Andrew and Elise.
I stop by every time you post (google reader).
Pictures and cute stories.
Just keep doin' what you're doin'.

The Farmers Wife said...

I stop by a couple of times a week, and I am Cary!! I like all of the posts..I don't find them boring...does that make me a stalker...LOL I just find it interesting to see what other mommies are doing with their kids!

Carrie R. said...

I'm Carrie, I know you from TMP, and I'm a lurker. I love reading your blogs about your LO's. And since Andrew is close in age to my oldest, I can relate to a lot of things you write about him.

Erin said...

I'm Erin and you posted on my one and only blog entry - ever. I also live in WI (except waaaay on the other side!)and used to be a frequent poster on WebMD until they changed the format a few years ago, and now it stinks.

I like popping over here once a week or so to see what's new, Andrew and my Sullivan are the same age, so I like hearing about what they are doing that is similar and what is not. I too think that you are nice!

Jennifer Juniper said...

Thanks for the follow - I'd been to your blog before, and I can't remember now why I lurked, but there you have it..

I am however totally fascinated by the web address, dragonandrew.. We love dragons, my 10 year old once tried to hatch one in the backyard..

Sarah said...

Thank you, everyone, for responding! I appreciate every single one of you. :)

Birdee said...

Well, I've turned into a lurker.
I love your pictures, but I also love your natural way of living. I like YOU. I've always been drawn to who you are. I learn from you and you inspire me.
My baby wouldnt have a fluffy bum if it wasnt for you. =D

Sarah said...

I'm a little late here. :) I used to keep up with you regularily but adding the 2nd kid has occupied so much of my time. I personally love the funny real life sort of stories. :)

Laura said...

I am really late here! I usually check your blog a couple times a week! I don't think you are boring at all, and I love reading your stories! Our boys are only 2 days apart and I remember us having the same due date on the old boards. We both have girls now too! I relate to you and the way you are bringing your children up! I always look forward to reading whats going on with you!