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Sunday, March 8, 2009


When it's time for Andrew to take a nap or go down for the night, I always have him say good-night to Daddy. He does so by waving to him with a big smile on his face. I then tell Andrew he's going to watch the fishies (referring to the Baby Einstein aquarium toy in his crib).

Today it was getting to be naptime, so I asked him if he wanted to watch his fishes and he started waving right away, to noone in particular. Hehe......


Rachel said...

Awww! I love this age. Keegan's is taking out his paci and shouting "BUH!" at everyone in the room. Naptime, bedtime, when we leave the house... occasionally, even when Keegan is just leaving the room...

Catie said...

Adorable! Lex is starting to say nuh, like nuh-night. Don't ya just love this age? I think this summer we should get together and have a blast with our boys.

Sarah said...

Yes, Cate--for sure we will have to arrange something this summer. It'll be so much fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute,I love how kids develop their little "habits". So sweet!