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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Andrew got sick last night...

No fever, so no H1N1 here, but my mommy instinct was right on. Earlier in the day, I thought he had "sick eyes"--those of you who are moms will know what I am talking about. However, he was playing and eating like normal, and he didn't feel warm. Well, we were sitting on the couch eating when all of a sudden he belched (the kind where you know it's a "sick" burp and there's more coming) and suddenly started throwing up all over. All over the couch (thankfully it's leather, and easy to clean, plus all over me, and all over himself). I felt so bad for him! He said, "hurts". :(

So, we put him in the bathtub and he was all too happy to be in the warm water (I have one of those kids who wants it all the way hot and we just let it dribble out--if it's any bit cold, he will say, "hot! hot!" (as in, he wants it hotter).

I did a load of puke laundry and had the hubby keep an eye on him in the tub. Then we got ready for bed and he snuggled into me. Nothing better than a warm, cuddly mommy when you don't feel good. Co-sleeping is 100% okay when your baby is sick!

We kept a garbage can in the room, but he didn't need it. I kept waking up to check him thoughout the night, but no fever appeared. Today he is his normal self, but I know that with the stomach bug, there is usually a round 2, so we are keeping it on the downlow today and feeding him safe, bland foods.


Elana Kahn said...

Oh I hope he starts feeling better really soon!!

Shannon said...

Poor guy! Hope he's feeling better soon.

Laura said...

Hope he is feeling better soon! Poor fella!

Jen said...

Hope he feels better soon!

Being a Nanny for several years I can tell you those big burps are the worst...it's like burp and run to the nearest bucket all in one.

Anonymous said...

Oh poor boy! I hope round 2 does NOT make an appearance!