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Monday, April 25, 2011

22 weeks today!

It's after midnight so I can say that now. I am on a sugar high from the little bit of Easter candy I did eat today. I also took a nap earlier while BOTH kids were napping, one of them (Andrew) next to me, because he crawled up on the couch and laid behind me and said, "I want to sleep by you too" and fell asleep with in 5-10 minutes.

I love Andrew's vocabulary. We dyed Easter eggs on Saturday at my mom's house and I wrote his name on an egg and asked which color he wanted to make it. He pointed to the cup with the blue dye in it and said, "I want indigo". It was so funny -- my mom and I both cracked up. DH said earlier in the week, he thinks he remembers Sid the Science Kid mentioning it. Go PBS Kids! Love that channel.

Easter is not really anything religious for us because we don't belong to a religion, but it is a traditional holiday. I did non-candy Easter baskets for the kidlets and they enjoyed them. Andrew got some activity books (learning to write letters, numbers -- shapes, etc.), a Curious George storybook collection with 8 stories (he carried this around most of the day), more books, crayons, sunglasses, his own water bottle, and a bunch of little things from the Dollar Tree. Elise got pajamas, several spring/summer tops (she barely has any short-sleeved shirts), shorts, socks, a book, and a new toothbrush (her old one became a chew toy for teething -- she's working on 4 molars).




I took off today. My friend was going to come into town but something changed with her hubby's schedule, so now she can't, but it worked out okay because now I can spend the day with my family. I also have a midwife appointment at 11:00. It's nice to have a non-weekend day off, and those 3-day weekends feel so much longer!

We painted our kitchen Friday night/Saturday. It was formerly a lemon yellow color and it's now a color called "Brick Dust", which is a nice, warm reddish color (with some brown maybe). I have hated the yellow for awhile now. It's a color that kind-of starts to look dingy up on top if you get any dust and it was just "blah". I originally bought reddish colored paint for the kitchen when we bought this house (over 5 years ago) but we knew within moments of starting painting that it was WAY too red. Like, blood red. No good. So then we went with the lighter yellow. Now we're very happy. My kitchen is also the cleanest it's been probably since we moved in! We got rid of some clutter. I love the feeling of having a clean house.


I am sure there will be nothing to report from my appointment tomorrow, but I'll keep you posted. Take care!


Morgan Owens said...

Love the pictures of the kids, they are both so cute! We love PBS Kids in our house too! :)

Anonymous said...

I, too, love the pic of the kids...they are adorable!

And I can't believe you are halfway through already...that's awesome!