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Saturday, May 1, 2010

New Jeans!

It has been since 2007 that I have bought myself new jeans. Yeah, it seems once I had kids I have hardly bought anything for myself! I took it as a sign when one of my favorite pairs of jeans got so worn that there is was thread-bare in the butt, so I went to Old Navy today and took advantage of their sale (30% off everything; sale ends tomorrow). Can't beat $20 for a pair of jeans! I bought 2 pairs and I also got a pair of shorts. What is it about buying new jeans that makes you feel better about yourself? Retail therapy, I guess.

Oh, and on the postpartum weight loss side of things, I have 2.5 lbs. to go until I get to my pre-pregnancy weight and about 7 lbs. to get to my goal weight.


Mama Bear said...

WOOHOO!!! WAy to go! I love new jeans. ;)

CalgaryDaddy said...

Nice Job!